Saturday, December 4, 2010

I may need a leash....

Me being single is probably the worst idea ever... had a super fun Thursday night and was (relatively) well behaved. My relatively well behaved might be equal to some people's crazy though... that's all I'll say.  I will share that I sat down next to a guy at the bar and pretty much told him I hated him.  Then when he left he asked for my number.. and for some reason I gave it to him- haha-oops!  Then come to find out after he has a girlfriend.  I'm sure there are some good guys out there but I clearly do not know them. 

And the text messaging continues:

Day 11
Crazy: "Am I breaking u down yet"?
Crazy: "Anyone in ur group get axed?" (big layoffs that day)
Crazy: "So u just not gunna talk to me again..that's normal" (umm i haven't been talking to you for over 2 weeks)
Crazy: "Wtf"
Crazy: "Ok well ur whle situation makees more sens to me now.. oh welll..i tried..."
Me (drunk thinking his last text was him saying he would stop): "K I'm glad"
Crazy: "Y r u up"
Crazy: "Only thing I don't get is why even start to hang out if u were gunna pull this crazy $hit"
Me (being a fiesty drunk): "Cause clearly I'm a crazy biotch"
Crazy: "I never said that"
Crazy: " I mean I liked u so I'm kinda upset" (jesus aren't we over this by now- get a life!)
Me: "To be fair I pretty much told u I was a crazy biotch from the start"
Crazy: "Yeah but all girls say that"
Crazy: "I'd really like to still hang out" (OMG go away)
Me: "Why" (now I'm clearly just taunting him- my phone should be taken away when I've been drinking)Crazy:"Cuzzz I enjoy spending time w u" (you don't even know me btw)

Day 12
Crazy: "Any chance u could do me a huge favor?" ( I was soooo tempted to reply to see what he could possibly think i would do for him but didn't)
Crazy: "Cool thanks" (i totally thought he was referring to me not responding to him asking me to do him a favor, but then i checked my call log and realized that I had successfully set it up so his calls get directed right to voicemail and I don't even see that he called unless I check my missed calls. He clearly is not going to like this going forward- hahahaha)
Crazy: "Maybe sleepover for my bday Sunday?"  (ummm yeah......)


  1. My god...seriously he needs a restraining order! ha! He's basically stalking you...maybe you should call him out on it and then tell him that it makes him unattractive. Maybe that blow to his ego will finally make him back off!

  2. are you kidding me! what a cuckoo!!!!!!! love you sas!
