Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Its not just me who has the craziness..

So first a quick text message update for Day 10
Crazy: "talk to meeeee"
Crazy: "u know i'm not guna stop till I get my way"
Crazy: SaraaaaHhhhhh"
Me: "Wtf"
Crazy: "Oh hey.. I"m at the uconn game wats up" (yeah wtf meant tell me where you are)
Crazy: "U decide to give in yet"

Why do guys feel the need to contact you on holidays or your birthday?  These are the times we LEAST want to hear from them.  Why the f would i want to get an email that says "Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day!!!!" from the guy who basically ruined the past year of my life?  Other no no's are telling someone they are a coldhearted biotch (that was it right Andrea?) on Thanksgiving because you have been deleted from our lives. 

Also, I understand that sometimes things might not go exactly how you planned crazies, HOWEVER, when you start dating a 22 year old and post  on Facebook that you are "in a relationship" a month later  (when you are still married and letting the skankiness live in your wife's house) it doesn't make your wife jealous... it just makes us want to hurt you for being so stupid.

I like this blog thing...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Why do men continue to text when we don't respond?

So almost two weeks ago now, I tried to lose a boy I was "hanging out with".  We talked/ saw each other once or twice a week for about a month and a half and never actually even went on a date.  He did however make me dinner on multiple occasions (and def was a good cook).  Anyways... I had a mini meltdown the day before my 31st birthday when he was over making me dinner (perhaps it was an overdramatized meltdown to get rid of him?), and thought I had broken things off.  Since then I haven't spoken to him at all- however he continues to text and leave voicemails.  The texts are way to good to not share...

We will start 4 days after "the breakup"- Day 1

Crazy (early am): "how about you answer the phone when I call for once"
Crazy (next afternoon): "my head hurts"
Crazy: "my head hurts"
Crazy: "and I miss u"
Crazy: "R U mad at me?"
Me: "I'm not mad...at my friends for dinner"
Crazy: "O...you comin over tonite"  (Seriously?)
Me: "no"
Crazy: "Yea I figured..ok"

Day 2
Crazy: "Hiii"
Crazy: "Ok well since u don't even want to put in a tenth of the work that I am.. maybe its beest if we part ways".  (YES!)

Day 3
Me: "You're probably right. I'm sorry I can't focus on this right now with everything else going on"
Crazy: ":("
Crazy: "ur supposed to say no"
Crazy: "like why did u even hng out w me if u didn't like me.. I just think its really inconsiderate"
Me:  "I do like you..i just can't handle everything right now" (bad move right there)
Crazy: "Then don throw this away...let's find a common ground" (throw what away psycho!)
Crazy: "U too busy to talk tonite?"
Me: "I have plans with the fam, how about I call you after" (i clearly have no intention of calling him, but i thought i would shut him up for a few hours)
Crazy: "K..and maybe stop by" (UMM NOO!)
Crazy: "I want some cuddle time"
Crazy (around 10pm): "So much for calling"
Me: "You are the most impatient person ever... I am with my family. I don't need this"
Crazy: "Yea uve shown that the last week" (YA think?)
crazy: "I just assumed u werehome since u go to bed early. Im sry"

Day 4
Crazy: "Serioulsy wat the hell is going on"
Crazy: "I misssssssss u"
Crazy: "I misssssssss u"

Day 5
Crazy: "Happy turkey day"
Me (feeling nice on Thanksgiving and half in the bag perhaps): "You too"
Crazy: ":).. I wanna see u soon"
Crazy: "Do you wanna see due date tomorrow after work or sat?"
Crazy: "I'm trying..."
*That night crazy left me a message saying he was near my home...

Day 6
Crazy: "Seriously wats going on ..why are u igorning me"
Me: "I need to be alone right now.. I know you don't understand.. I'm sorry" (not sure why i am trying to be nice)
Crazy: "i want to help.. I care about u" (help with what!!!)
Me: "That is very sweet but I don't need help.. I just need to do my own thing right now"
Crazy CRazy: "U got me to like u..u can't just quit now.. not fair..we can be slow and friends but just don't ignore me"
Crazy: "Just cuz other guys have hurt u doesn't mean I will.. don't give up on me. gimme a shot"
Me: "Its not even about that.. i just need to be alone for a while" (why didn't i just tell him to f off here?)
crazy: "ugh..."
Crazy: So you don't wan to hang out at all"
Crazy: "?"

Day 8
Crazy: "Ugh Alex puked everywhere" (Who the F is Alex!?!?)
Crazy: "So uhh are we not gunna hook up anymore cuzzz I kinda miss it"
Crazy: "Mybe for my bday hehehe" (in your dreams pal!)

Day 9 (TODAY)
Crazy: "So ur just gunna ignore me..that's mature" (clearly i am acting mature here)
Me: "What do you want from me? I have already told you I need to be alone and you wont stop so yes I have resorted to ignoring" (wouldn't you think that would shut most people up? .. umm no)
Crazy: "A. That is retarded and unfair to me and b. U started ignoring me the day after I gave u your bday presents w no explanationso don't give me that shit" (well hello- maybe if you didnt buy me an omlet maker things might have lasted another 5 minutes.. probably not though to be fair)
Me: "A. Its not always about you. B. You must have missed the meltdown i had. C. Its not like we were in a realtionship- we were just hanging out"
Crazy: "Yea so then wats the big deal..y stop skince we were just hanging out"
Crazy: "U just pull the high school move and ignore me.. can't even call" (he may be right here..lol!)
Crazy: "Annd even tho we were just hanging out.. I still cared about u a lot" (gross)
Crazy: "It can't always be about me cuz its always about u" (HELLO OBVIOUSLY- i explained that to you when i met you)
Crazy: "Maybe u wanna take me out one last time for dinner for my bday 0:)"  (umm really?)
Crazy: "Pretty please"
Crazy: ".. I never say please"
Crazy: ".. I never say please"
Crazy: ":("

Is this guy for real????

a little about me

I am a 31 year old living in the city (we'll say San Diego).  Got married a little over a year ago, and about 5 months ago my husband up and  ran away, with barely any explanation.  So I'm now basically divorcing myself (since my husband doesn't want to deal with anything) and have thrown myself back into the dating world, which I haven't been part of for about 7 years. 

I acknowledge that girls can be crazy and can make men crazy, and that I am most likely not ready to be in a relationship or even casually date, but I must have a special talent or something.... either that or I am just excellent at attracting the crazy.   The last guy I was talking to (we never actually went on a date) is so crazy/ comical that he inspired this.  So thank you trust fund baby :) 

The names and some of the details may be changed to protect the crazy... enjoy! :)